Biomarkers you can count on

Multi-omics for precision medicine

Unlock clinical success

Elevating trials with biomarker insight from Codetta Bio

Recognizing the significance of fluid biomarkers and their role in disease progression and therapy response is crucial for the success of clinical trials. Identifying and selecting biomarkers during the pre-clinical stages can lead to a 164% higher success rate in Phase II-III clinical trials.

Accelerate your translational program

With rapid fluid biomarker analysis from Codeta Bio

Uncover a Multitude of Insights from a Single Sample. Experience DNA, RNA, and Protein Analysis for faster, more sensitive results with proven PCR technology, multiplexed for more comprehensive answers.

Introducing the

Codetta Bio Platform

One instrument, One workflow, comprehensive answers
Transforming Timelines, Efficiency and Savings with the Codetta Solution

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Multi-omics & Multiplexed

Transform time-saving: Cut analysis time from 2 Days to Just 2 Hours, allowing for faster decision-making and more efficient processes.

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Enhanced Sensitivity

Combining the precision of digital PCR with the dynamic range of qPCR enables multiplex biomarker measurement at fM levels.

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Rapidly Customizable

Replace separate instruments with one all-in-one solution. A single, multifunctional instrument reduces the need for multiple tools, streamlining workflows, reducing costs, and saving space.

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Easy to Adopt

Adopt a fully-integrated workflow with a simple setup and two- to three-hour assay run time.

One instrument, Proteins & Nucleic acids, one Workflow.

“Our strategy is to develop an integrated platform that redefines multi-omics and sets a new standard of capability in the mid-plex translational research and clinical markets.”


Jacques Corriveau
CEO, Codetta BioTM